Murottal Ustadz Abu Usamah Lc
* Murottal Quran Juz 29 Offline
* Murottal Quran Juz 30 Offline
Ustadz Abu Usamah Syamsul Hadi Lc is from Lombok, Indonesia. He holds his Bachelor's degree from the Shari'ah Ministry of LIPIA Jakarta.
Introducing Abu Usamah's offline and online quran recitation. Using this app, you can hear the melodious voices of the Koran, both online and offline. In the program, there are 48 chapters of Surah, from 29-30, this is the name of the chapter you can enjoy.
Additionally, you can select the sound quality level, which can be either an average or a high rate. we hope of this program Abu Usamah is useful for all users, especially for those who want to memorize Quran Juz 29 and 30.
Download the murottal app from ours.
Hopefully, the program of the Abu Usamah can be useful and add to belief and belief to all users.